Block GH1 Request for Comments

The CFGP is proposing to harvest block GH1 in the Gorge Harbour/Anvil Area in early 2023.

The site is 1.3 hectares, approximately 90 percent Hemlock and 10 percent Fir, along with the occasional Red Cedar. The plan is to leave some of the better quality Douglas Fir most likely to survive, spaced every 20 – 30 meters, and harvest the Hemlock and lower grade Fir.

See a map of the proposed block here:Blocks GH1, GH2 Overview Map_Gorge Harbour 20221206

Note, on the map there is a second block shown (Block GH2) being considered as part of a wider wildfire mitigation plan for the area. Only Block GH1 is the only harvest under consideration at this time.

Block GH1, along with the new road built in 2022 to access the area, are part of a wider CFGP plan to implement wildfire mitigations in this area in response to the recommendations contained in the 2020 Cortes Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

The CWPP did not contain a detailed prescription for mitigation measures this area, except to note that as it would be a likely corridor for wildfires to spread between the Mansons Landing and Gorge Harbour neighbourhoods.

While block GH1 is too small to stop a large fire, the overall access would allow wildland fire crews to operate in the area should the need arise.

Please send feedback to Ione Brown by email at or Mark Lombard at