Commencing at the beginning of May we will have 2 university students working at the CFA for this summer. Zoltan Mityok and Ruby Carrico are both students of Community Forestry at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and will be joining us for the summer to help get to know the Community Forest lands. Matt Cuscianna, a Cortes island resident, has been hired to coordinate summer student activities this summer. A short list of the tasks for Matt and Zoltan and Ruby this summer include:
- Detailed mapping of riparian ecosystems adjacent to harvest areas. This will both provide excellent ecosystem mapping and will also be training in the use of IPad field data collection.
- A overview reconnaissance of the entire 4000ha(+/-) of the Community Forest Lands
- Creation of a preliminary Access Management Plan for the CFA Lands to develop some sense of how the CFA lands will be accessed in the long-term.
- Forest engineering for the 2nd CFA harvest
- Old Growth Management Area field assessments
- Possible Site Index / Mean Annual Increment (MAI) project
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