CFGP Public Meeting October 10, 2019


On October 10 the Community Forest General Partnership held a public meeting to review its Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP). This review is the primary high level plan required under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). Andrea Rietman and Adam Hockin from the FLNRO district office in Powell River were also in attendance and provided additional details on the FSP requirements as well as answering questions regarding the expectations from government.

The Partnership’s signing professional, Ione Brown, RPF presented an overview of the FSP revision and the presentation is available here:

Forest Stewardship Planning Purpose and Intent_Hecate Oct 2019

The draft FSP is available here:
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Cortes Forestry General Partnership FSP draft October 2019

Cortes Forestry GP FSP Map v2 Oct 2019